Revised kaplan qbank step 2 ck
Revised kaplan qbank step 2 ck

revised kaplan qbank step 2 ck revised kaplan qbank step 2 ck

My advice is that you take a break after every block.Just a couple of mins is fine. I always like to high light important information while reading through the case for the first time so that I can easy glance back if I have to. The other questions from other disciplines that were long usually had a lot history and lab values and you just have to focus in to the important information and hopefully you will be fine. Most of the long questions were from psychiatry. By the Grace of Allah, I almost had 2-4 mins to spare at the end of almost all the blocks. In the real exam you a already rev'd up and so hopefully God Willing, you won't have a problem with time. Because remember that this is part of your preparation for the real exam. I did Usmleword and NBME questions untimed because I personally think that getting the questions right is more important than getting them wrong because you are in a hurry to finish. Although it gives you a lot of confidence on the 20 cases presented, I personally think that Kaplan lectures alone are enough, but if u have a couple of days to spare then I think there is no harm in going through them as they are probably the most important 20 cases for Step 2. Took me a few days to listen to all 20 lectures and made notes of only those things that were not given in the Kaplan videos. Conrad Fischer: I did these cases at the end of my preparation. Materials Used for Prep: Kaplan Lecture notes and videos 20 CCS by Dr. UWorld Qbank: Overall Average: 73%(maybe it was 74% or 72%) UWorld Self Assessment form 1: 620/241(again sorry I don't have the record but i think it was somewhere around this) NBME form 1: 560/244 NBME form 2: 520/235 NBME form 3: 540/239 NBME form 4(extended): 540 239 So you can see that my scores were pretty much consistent with each other as well as with the real exam. Here is my performance during my step 2 prep. Alhamdolliah, by the Grace of Allah Almighty I scored 241/99 in step 2.

Revised kaplan qbank step 2 ck